When you obtain a new shared website hosting plan, it's created on a server and the overall process normally takes some time, not mentioning the confirmation and processing of your payment, which many companies perform personally. When you acquire a dedicated server, for instance, the installation takes longer as the unit needs to be built, set up and tested to guarantee that it will work efficiently. Because of this, numerous providers have a one-time cost so as to cover the time and efforts devoted to your brand new account. The cost, which can sometimes be high, is usually not displayed on the main page, and you'll notice it on your checkout or payment page, therefore you won't be familiar with it before you have already completed the entire signup process and you may even overlook it unless you pay attention.
Setup Fee in Shared Website Hosting
If you buy a shared website hosting plan from our company, you will not ever be required to pay any kind of setup fees. In fact, we don't have other obscured fees of any type either. We appreciate every customer and it is our belief that if you buy any sort of package from us, you shouldn't be charged anything else than the charge for the hosting plan. You will not see any kind of hidden charges after or before your purchase, which shows you that we are a reliable and trustworthy provider. The price of a shared web hosting package is identical all around on our site - the main page, the order as well as the payment pages. As we offer real-time account activation, you won't need to wait for many hours or days to be able to begin setting up your website.
Setup Fee in Semi-dedicated Servers
All our semi-dedicated server packages are activated immediately and without any additional installation fees. The cost that you will pay on signup is exactly the same that you'll pay to renew your hosting account the following months and the one that you will see both on our main page & on your bank statement. In case you currently have a standard shared hosting plan from our company and you are getting a semi-dedicated server in order to get more power, we'll move all your data and we will still not charge you a dime in addition to the ordinary monthly charge for the new plan. Since the process is virtually entirely automatic, we consider that that there is no reason to charge you a further amount of dollars, so the price that you see on the website is the total that you will have to spend.
Setup Fee in VPS Servers
Every time you purchase a VPS server from us, all you'll have to pay will be the standard monthly fee for the plan you have selected and this particular fee is exactly the same each and every month that you use the server. We do not have any sort of concealed or setup charges and we believe that building a long-lasting business partnership that is dependant on trust is more crucial than charging you a couple of additional dollars with some hidden charge that you do not spot on the front page. We'll set up your virtual server and install its OS as well as all the needed software applications absolutely free. When you get the VPS with our Hepsia web hosting Control Panel and you curently have a shared hosting plan here, we will even move your data to your brand-new server without charge.
Setup Fee in Dedicated Servers
Our dedicated web hosting plans are devoid of any setup or other hidden fees. During the registration process, you'll pay only the standard monthly price for the package that you have chosen. Once you submit your order, we will assemble and try your new machine, after that we'll set up all of the software that you will need in order to have a fully operational server - OS, website hosting Control Panel if you have chosen one, web server, MySQL, and so on. All of these activities are a part of the plan and come completely free, thus the registration payment and all your future renewal payments will be equivalent. If the server features our custom Hepsia hosting Control Panel and you already have a shared website hosting account through us, we will even transfer all your content on the server free of charge.