Optimizing your web site can be difficult considering that you have to alter your back–end code significantly in order to make your webpages run a lot faster. Nevertheless, you are able to greatly enhance your web site’s efficiency, without having to adjust anything at all in the background. With the aid of the Website Accelerator Tools, integrated into the Site Control Panel, you can make your websites come up and function a lot faster than in the past. This is not going to simply benefit your visitors (everyone loves the web page they are browsing to load rapidly), but will also help your website rank higher in search engine results.

Working with the Website Accelerator Tools is in fact easy. Simply just go to the Site Control Panel and see exactly how each of them performs.


RAM–memorizing instead of data–base requests

The Memcached system is great for boosting site loading speeds by memorizing the database information that is asked for from your site visitors. It is a dynamic distributed memory object caching system, allowing for info and objects to be stored within the RAM as an alternative for being loaded whenever a user visits a website.

This platform is great for your database–driven web sites or applications in which your users invest plenty of time surfing as well as reading information. Memcached can be found in the advanced resources section of the Site Control Panel.

Hepsia File Manager


RAM–saving in place of HTTP requests

In case you have content–intense busy websites with loads of graphics and also clips, you’ll unquestionably need to be sure that your web pages load quickly for your site visitors. An amazing instrument you could use is the Varnish HTTP accelerator that will help you speed up your web sites without needing you to possess any particular computing abilities.

Varnish stores all queries towards the server in the server’s RAM and provides the webpages easily to the customer by preventing fresh queries towards the hosting server. By doing this, the pages on your site will be streamed 300 – 1000x times faster to your site visitors. Also, you can choose whether the arriving calls will be dealt with by Varnish, or by the hosting server, and so forth.

Hepsia File Manager


Generate scalable web apps easily

Node.js provides a contemporary programming system for creating adaptable applications and sites in record time. It could be employed for just about everything – from handling API queries, streaming data files and also parsing e–mails to converting pictures, music files, clips and office documents.

It’s powered by the Google V8 JavaScript engine and also uses an event–driven, non–blocking I/O pattern that makes it light and powerful. At the same time, Node.js has got a huge loyal community that makes steady upgrades to the program and is always able to assist.

Hepsia File Manager