Watch this introductory video presenting Getya Hosting’s low–priced shared website hosting plans packs, allowing you upload your very own or enterprise web sites online in no time. All of the presented plans are full of plenty of capabilities, including a totally free Web Site Generation Application and a free–of–charge 1 Click Applications Installer, which will help you write a weblog, a forum, a photo gallery, etc. in the blink of an eye. Also, it is possible to register domain names for one’s sites and then to manage everything from the inside of a straightforward multilingual Site Control Panel.

Here, it’s possible to take full advantage of a completely safe shared website hosting plans service. We have developed our system applying fine quality hardware and we have also put time and effort towards customizing our software, to warrant a 99.9% uptime.

And with the help of the workers at our USA data center, UK data center, FI data center, East Europe data center and AU data center, we have crafted a very well–performing internal network, depending on carrier–class switches and routers. This way we can easily provide a 99.9% network uptime with Getya Hosting’s hosting packs.